All Juniors take the ACT in April so this is a great Prep class for you but al grades are Welcome to sign up!! Link to apply for a Fee Waiver PHS Fee Waiver Application
Dear Parents,
Sign up today for the February 7th ACT college entrance seminar. *Register for the Prep Seminar at PHS (see attachment)
Fact: All Juniors are required to take the ACT that is administered during the school day in Early April.
Fact: Although most colleges have made the ACT score reporting optional for admissions…the test is still an important component and worth prepping for &
here are 2 reasons why:
Increase Your Chances of Receiving Merit Aid: Even if you are applying to a college or university that does not require test scores for admission, ACT or SAT scores may be required to be considered for merit-based scholarship/grant aid, and for any outside scholarship applications.
· Placement in college level courses: Although not used to admit you…Colleges use ACT/SAT scores (or other placement exams –especially for math) to place you in the right classes at the right level. And, your ACT score can help you place out of remedial coursework rather than sitting for additional placement tests on campus — saving time and money!
What is the ACT?
The ACT is an entrance exam. The purpose of the ACT test is to measure a high school student's readiness for college, and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants. College admissions officers will review standardized test scores alongside your high school GPA, the classes you took in high school, letters of recommendation from teachers or mentors, extracurricular activities, admissions interviews, and personal essays.
What is on the ACT?
There are five sections for the MT ACT:
- English
- Reading
- Math
- Science
- Writing
How long is the ACT?
The ACT is about 3.5 hours long.
How can I prep for the ACT?
* WHY should you try to do well?—A good score on this test can be (but is not the only) “ticket of entrance” into your future plans. This test only HELPS you get there but is not the only method! How you score on this test is what colleges might use to place you in Math and English (there are other placement exams besides ACT). Shoot for a college entrance score of at least a 22 score on Math and an 18-20 on English but know you can always re-take or take another exam such as the SAT, accuplacer, or Compass. A 36 is a perfect score.
- ANSWER EVERY QUESTION—there is not a penalty for wrong answers.
- DO guess intelligently and with purpose. You’re not penalized for guessing, but try to narrow down the possibilities. There are usually at least one or two answers that are definitely wrong.
- DON’T be a statue. You’re limited to the one square foot that your test chair encompasses, so you won’t be able to have a dance party or anything, but move around as much as you can. Shake out the limbs, stretch, whatever. Just get the blood flowing.
- Test sections are TIMED so pay attention to clock, you will be given a 5 minute warning—if you still have a lot to do start bubbling in and with extra time go back and change answers until time is up!
You can use a calculator (some are restricted if they have internet or communicate abilities) but most math questions are designed to where you should not need a calculator but use it if you need it!
- Majority of math section is GEOMETRY so if you do not know some equations you may want to brush up if you have forgotten them. Use 3 pass rule: Do problems you know first! Do what you think you know next, then if time permits work on difficult problems BUT ANSWER ALL!
- Reading section is the hardest because of time constraints! So read the question then the passage! Do not read the multiple choice answers or it could confuse you but do read the questions! You will have 4 passages to read (each about 850 words) then you will answer 10 questions per passage that only gives you 8.5 minutes per passage so it is fast! Pick a passage that looks interesting and start there first.
- Science section you also only have about 5 minutes per reading passage. It is recommended to do charts and graphs first, then the conflicting viewpoints and then the research summary because it is very difficult.
- English section (grammar) comma questions are most common. Using a colon shows up in most multiple choice answers but you only use a colon when making a list so you can usually eliminate that answer—unless you are making a list) If a passage is awkward then you can usually eliminate the “no change” option.
- PLAY YOUR ODDS! If you can eliminate at least one answer you now have a 33% chance of correctness. If you can eliminate 2 options, you now have a 50 % chance!
- ALWAYS READ THE QUESTION CAREFULLY! Know what you are looking for. This is especially important in Math section.
- Essay section: Go to for examples of prompts! Write NEATLY (about 1.5 pages long) they are looking for a good introduction, body and conclusion that flow. If it is sloppy they won’t read it! You have 30 min. (5min. to prepare, 20 to write, 5 to edit = good strategy)
Have 4 COLLEGES in mind where you want your scores sent (you get 4 for FREE)*some MT schools take scores on transcripts so you should use other schools-ask your counselor what schools you should put! It is $13 to send your scores for more than 4 schools.
- Borrow ACT Prep books from Counseling office!!
Good Luck and remember this is not the only indicator of your hard work or intelligence!